The Fallschirmjager drop didnt turn out so well for my Company. So with the survivors hiding out and trying to make their escape to friendly held areas farther south I decided to switch to a Aufklarungs company and make a push into Bucks with the rest of the German advance.
My wife had other plans. Her 2nd Household Cavalry led by her Infantry Ace Rupert Giles was laying in wait.
Medals were awarded in this battle. You will see why!
Mission Rolled : Hasty Assault
Attacker rolled: Germans
The Forces
Gepanzerte Aufklärungsschwadron
Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron | German Late-War |
Platoon | Qty | Unit | Points |
Headquarters |
Gepanzerte Aufklärungsschwadron HQ | p.3 |
| 2
1 | Cmd Panzerfaust SMG team
Sd Kfz 250
Panzerschreck team | 120 |
Combat Platoons |
Gepanzerte Aufklärungs Platoon | p.3 |
| 1
6 | Cmd Panzerfaust SMG team
Sd Kfz 250
Sd Kfz 250/10 (3.7cm)
MG team | 230 |
Gepanzerte Aufklärungs Platoon | p.3 |
| 1
6 | Cmd Panzerfaust SMG team
Sd Kfz 250
Sd Kfz 250/10 (3.7cm)
MG team | 230 |
Aufklärungs Heavy Platoon | p.4 |
| 1
2 | Cmd SMG team
Sd Kfz 250
Observer Rifle team
Sd Kfz 250/7 (8cm) half-track | 100 |
Weapons Platoons |
Heavy Panzerspäh Platoon | p.15 |
| 4 | Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad) | 160 |
Puma Panzerspäh Platoon | p.14 |
| 3 | Sd Kfz 234/2 (Puma) | 150 |
Divisional Support |
| 3 | Panther D or A or G | 560 |
Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon | p.22 |
| 2 | Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) | 60 |
| 5 | Limited Air Support Ju 87D Stuka | 135 |
Company Points: | 1745 |
Source document: Aufklärungsabteilung PDF
  | 2nd Household Cavalry Squadron (w/ Welsh)
| British Late-War |
Platoon | Qty | Unit | Points |
Headquarters |
Armoured Car Squadron HQ | p.31 |
| 2 | Staghound I with AA MG | 115 |
Combat Platoons |
Armoured Car Platoon | p.31 |
| 2
1 | Daimler I
Daimler Dingo | 125 |
Armoured Car Platoon | p.31 |
| 2
1 | Daimler I
Daimler Dingo | 125 |
Brigade Support |
Guards Armoured Recce Platoon | p.23 |
| 3
1 | Cromwell IV
Challenger A30 | 440 |
Guards Rifle Platoon | p.25 |
| 1
6 | Cmd Rifle/MG team
PIAT team
Light Mortar team
Rifle/MG team | 185 |
Divisional Support |
Parachute Rifle Platoon |  Allied Platoon p.43 |
| 1
1 | Cmd SMG team
Bazooka team
Rifle/MG team
M2 60mm mortar | 350 |
Field Battery, Royal Artillery | p.34 |
| 2
4 | Cmd Rifle team
Staff team
Observer Rifle team
OP Carrier
OQF 25 pdr gun | 210 |
| 5 | Limited Air Support Typhoon | 170 |
Air Observation Post | p.39 |
| 1 | Auster AOP | 25 |
Company Points: | 1745 |
Source document: Hell's Highway
Recce move time. I brought a ton of Recon platoons. Pumas push up on the left flank.
8 Rads up the center as the CO and a Platoon of Mounted Panzer Grens wait to move out.
Right side 8 Rads sweep around
Sierra sets up her CO (Rupert Giles) and the 2IC with some Rifle support on her Left flank objective.
Her Right Flank is protected by 25 pounders as well as a massive platoon of 82nd AB boys who pop from Immediate Ambush.
Turn 1 I press hard out of the gate moving the Puma, 8 Rads and Halftracks up quickly. The Luftwaffe swoops in early! No reserves though.
My Stuka scores a couple hits pinning the 25 pounders and managing to take out one. The were all GTG so benefited from a healthy 3+ save.
Sierra sends her Airborne troops forward to put some pressure on the Germans who so far are concentrating efforts on the other flank. Her Brit light mortar drops smoke on a puma that tried to get some MG shots snuck in.
Over on the German Right the 8 Rads have gotten into a position to do some shooting on the Brit CO and 2IC. They totally whiff but the Staghounds also miss on their turn. They didnt bog though so Sierra is happy about that.
Turn 2 the Germans get reserves. I bring forward the big Cats. 3 Panthers on the right flank. Watch out Rupert Giles here I come!
Panzer Grens charge forward. The attached 8cm mortar lobs a round overhead trying to smoke the Brit positions but misses. 8 Rads remove GTG. My CO is in the HT charge with the Platoon.
Panthers are in no danger unless Sierra roles Air support. So I double time them up.
Sierras luck turns for the worse here. No Airsuport and fail to unpin on her 25 pounders. Her Airborne do manage to dig in though.
Pumas decide to back off and go on the defensive. Pouring MG fire towards the Airborne just trying to keep the from advancing.
Stukas dive in again trying to break the 25 pounders. But the bombs fall off target.
Panzer Grens Line up for the Assault! Mortar successfully drops smoke. Mounted Assault incoming!
Panthers move into range to take shots on the 2IC and CO. They only manage to bail the 2IC! Panther Fail.
8 Rads sweep around preparing to cut off the British.
The assault goes forward. Brits are smoked, pinned and not GTG. 8 swings including Tank escorts. Should be a bloodbath right? Well it is... But not in favor of the Germans who didnt notice Good old Rupert Giles in his Staghound withing 8 inches and able to defencive fire! Rupert blasts the German platoon leader into oblivion. One destroyed HT isnt enough to stop the assault though. So NOW it should be over right? Wrong. 8 swings including escorts and 6 miss. That leaves 2 british rifles teams standing to Counter attack. No worries they have to make Tank terror. Well they do. (British bulldog for the win) And both teams score hits taking out 2 half tracks with 2 Panzer grens in each! Ouch. The Germans pass their motivation and finally finish off the Brits. At a heavy price though. The platoon is now at half strength.

On the other side Sierra realizes that the only thing standing in the way of German victory is 2 Staghounds now. She sends over the Airborne moving as quickly as possible to try and reinforce.
The German CO spots The Brit CO. Dropping his pistol and brandishing a pair of Hitler youth daggers he rushes forward yelling "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!" Rupert Giles climbs out of his Staghound, his driver following him with his bagpipes. Rupert unsheathes his Long Sword. "Bring it ye blasted Kraut!"
On the other side the German 8 rads get in front of the Airborne and machine gun them. 4 hits! Sierra rolls her saves..... This is for real. 4 ONES! wtf. I feel bad. That is brutal.
Rupert and the German CO clash sword and Dagger while the bagpipes play Blue bonnets over the border. The Panzer Grens surround the combatants cheering!
The German CO lunges forward but Rupert steps aside....
With apparent ease and a spin Rupert slices the head of the German clean off. The Panzer Grens fall silent and then beat a hasty retreat.
The German 2IC arrives just in time to take command. "What do you mean the CO just got his head lopped off by a long sword?" AA joins and the 2nd Aufklarungs platoon as well. Using those roads to push right up the center.
8 Rads are still holding their own though. Preventing the Brits and the Americans from hooking up with Rupert.
Panthers press forward and finally after shot after shot manage to blast the 2IC. 25 pounders have unpinned and they use the AOP to spot for a bombardment but to no effect.
Panthers get on the objective and take shots at Rupert. They all miss! Rupert sits atop his Staghound cleaning the blood off his blade. (He gets Bailed out)
Now this is where it gets really crazy. Rupert is all that is left. Until Sierra rolls 3 dice for reserves and get 3 Fives! But no worries right? Its scattered reserves and she couldnt possibly roll so that they ALL arrive right behind my panthers. Oh wait, yes she can... lol The Challenger nukes the nearest Panther with ease.
2nd Panzer Gren platoon dismounts and head off to attack the Airborne hiding behind the hill now.
The German 2IC surveys the wreckage and retrieves the COs head.
Sierra lets loose with everything she can to try and dislodge the Panthers. But cant. That leaves just Rupert who is Bailed out and cant contest the objective. So at the end of her turn 6 we called it. If he would have unbailed and we played a couple more turns I think the Brits would have really made a big comeback.
Axis Victory: 6-1
Rupert Giles(Sierra) is hereby awarded the Iron Cross for singlehandedly holding off the German advance. His bravery in the face of Mounted Assault troops, panthers and finally a duel to the death more than earned him this honor.
Rupert Giles (Sierra) Is also awarded the "There Can be only one" award for defeating the German CO in single combat!
The German CO (Rob) earned the Purple heart and also the bronze star for 5 bat reps submitted.